Create theme

One of the most powerful aspects of this library is the hability to use your custom theme as a plug and play configuration.

This tool will guide you go through the steps needed to create your theme.

A few points to keep in mind for your theme:

  • You will be setting up 2 colorations for your theme, dark and light

  • We suggest you follow the 60-30-10 rule.

    • 60% usage for primary color.
    • 30% usage for secondary color.
    • 10% usage for tertiary color.

  • The font name used in the theme only set it up in the CSS rules, it doesn't install it. If you will use a font from the web e.g. google fonts, remember to add it to your page via <link /> tag, CSS @import, etc...


The theme will be encoded in the URL so if you want to share it with colleagues you can share the URL and they will see the same theme you created.